Letters from The Mayor: August 2007

To the Editor:

I would like to take the opportunity to comment on several items as reported in July’s New Town Press.A letter to the editor from Richard Sandquist questions the need for a Parking Study in our downtown business district because he has not observed any parking related issues when he drives through town. I would respectfully respond to Mr. Sandquist that the time to Plan for future needs is well before they become so obvious and out of control that they are noticeable and negatively affect our residents, our businesses, or their customers. This Mayor, Borough Council, Planning/Zoning Board and Economic Development Committee are all committed to taking the steps needed to build a sustainable downtown business district in Swedesboro that will thrive well into the future. We believe strongly that “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”, and as long as I have a say in such matters I’ll support all efforts that prepare our town for the future. In response to a comment by Mr. Sandquist that this study is a “waste of taxpayers money” I would remind him that this study is being conducted with a Grant from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission. Just as with the approximately $1,500,000 in other Grants we have received over the last three years, this will have NO impact on our local taxes. I will continue to fight for our fair share of any and all Grant money available that can help Swedesboro.

Another issue raised in July’s that I think needs some clarification is an article reporting that funds to repair Second Street have been “Withdrawn” from Swedesboro. Let me be clear, no funds that were committed to us have been withdrawn in any way shape or form. Each year I am asked to provide a “wish list” of capital projects that our team thinks are important and worthy projects to be included in the actual NJ State Budget, and each year I am told that the chances of this actually happening is slim to none. This year the list became public for the first time and swept into the political baloney that goes on in Trenton during the budget negotiations. Our District 3 legislators fight for our projects, but when it became obvious that all local projects were going to be eliminated from the budget either before it was introduced or through a line item veto by the Governor after the fact, our District 3 legislators did the right thing and withdrew their request to have the projects included in the budget. This in no way means that the Second Street project is not going to be completed. I have submitted requests for funding the repairs to Second Street through three separate funding sources in the hopes that we could get the job done sooner. I’m 0 for 2 on my long shots, but I won’t hesitate to keep trying since all they can do is say no – and what the heck, 1 for 3 means that I’m batting .333. Pat Burrell of the Phillies should be so lucky. The bottom line in regards to Second Street is that it will be the only project submitted by the Borough for 2008 NJ DOT funding. The reason we have to wait until 2008 is that we cannot receive State funds for a street that was done within a five-year period, and especially one that the town tore up one year into the five-year moratorium put in place after State funding was used to re-surface the road last time. The team I’ve put in place has made sure that all repairs to underground infrastructure are made before just slapping down a coat of asphalt. We’ve fought to get enough funds to do the job right, as can be seen on Redrow Avenue, East Avenue and all along Kings Highway last year. And we are going to do Second Street right as absolutely soon as we can – using State funds.

And finally, a comment on our tax bills we all just received in Swedesboro this week. I live in a pretty typical home in Swedesboro I think, with an appraised value of $101,400. My latest Municipal Tax bill is $1175.23 versus $1148.86 last year, an increase of $26.37 (or 51 cents a week) for this year. I am very proud of the fact that we have been able to rein in the Municipal tax rate while providing what I consider to be the best municipal services in Gloucester County. Given what we have to deal with in terms of increasing employee benefit costs, pension contributions, union contracts and bulking up our police force, I can say without hesitation that this is a great budget and as good a tax rate as we could expect. Combined with the fact that for the fourth straight year there is NO increase in the Water and Sewer rates in Swedesboro, I can say with satisfaction that we have done our part to control property taxes in town, and we can and will do more.

As always, feel free to contact me at 467-3482 or twfromm@yahoo.com with any comments or suggestions you might have to continue the progress in our town. I urge you to check out our new and improving Borough website at http://www.swedesboro-nj.us/ – and again feel free to offer any suggestions to improve it as well. I’d also like to tell you that you can expect to see an official, non-partisan and non-political Borough of Swedesboro Newsletter in the near future, hopefully in August or September, that will include useful and educational information about what is happening in our great town. Stay tuned, and please stay involved.

Tom Fromm
Mayor of Swedesboro