Celebrate Trees!

On Thursday, October 24th, the Shade Tree Commission presented a children’s educational program at the Swedesboro branch of the Gloucester County Library.  As the clocked chimed 7p.m., things were all set up ready for the five kids who were signed up.  To our pleasure, we ended up hosting a group of 17 children!  As a result, the evening was not only about celebrating trees, but about kindness- since we only had 15 bags, two sets of siblings demonstrated the true meaning of sharing.

Image Courtesy Gloucester County Library

Image Courtesy Gloucester County Library

Time passed quickly, especially for the adults with books in hand, trying to identify the leaves- we think they might say it was challenging!  It’s one thing to identify the genus (Oak, Maple, etc.), but to further identify the species (Pin Oak, Red Maple, etc.) was a whole other task.  At the end of the event, we enjoyed delicious cupcakes from Sweetsboro Pastry Shoppe- these were a huge hit!  The kids let us know they had a blast, and that they are ready to sign up for the next program.  Thank you very much to both the children and adults who participated in our program!


Swedesboro Shade Tree Commission

Image Courtesy Gloucester County Library

Image Courtesy Gloucester County Library