Celebrate Trees Continues!

Swedesboro’s Shade Tree Commission is excited to present the next chapter in the Celebrate Trees program!

Please join us on Monday, March 24, 2014 at 7PM for our Tree-ific Disc Tag Program.
Learn to identify and explore a variety of different types of trees in our area.

Tree DiscsWhat do they look like? How do they grow? How old are they? How do leaves differ from one another and why? Why are we so dependent upon trees?

Every child makes and takes home their own tree disc tag. Program followed by refreshments.

Class is limited to 25 so please call the Swedesboro branch of the Gloucester County Library at 856-467-0111 to register.

To learn more about the Shade Tree Commission and its services, please visit the following link: http://www.historicswedesboro.com/boards-commissions-departments/shade-tree-commission.