Fish Kill at Lake Narraticon Explained

According to Dr. Jan Lovy, a fish pathologist with the NJ Division of fish and wildlife, a recent mortality event in common carp at Swedesboro’s Lake Narraticon is a result of carp edema virus (CEV).

“CEV is a poxvirus that is highly species specific to only carp. It infects the gill and causes destruction of the gill tissue leading to respiratory and osmoregulatory disfunction in the affected carp.”

Dr. Lovy conducts disease monitoring and research in wild and hatchery-raised fish populations throughout the state.

“The mortality event at Lake Narraticon  was likely brought on by stressors associated with the spring like increasing water temperature and spawning stress.” Dr. Lovy added.

For more detailed information regarding CEV please see Dr. Lovy’s First report of carp edema virus in the mortality of wild common carp Cyprinus carpio in North America .