Recycling Inspections

UPDATE to the recycing cart checks that began on Septemebr 17, 2020…

An “Oops” notice was placed on ALL recycle carts that were out for pick up in the areas of the Borough that we visited.  We understand that the wording of the notice makes it seem that you have improper items in your recycle cart.  The reasoning for placing a notice on ALL carts is that the next time we go out, we will be inspecting.  If non recyclable material is in your cart, it will be flagged and pulled back from the curb.  It will not be picked up for that week.  We didn’t want to take the chance that a resident was unaware of the recycling rules and pull their cart back without proper notification.  This way everyone has received the same notification and if they do not recycle properly on the day their cart is inspected, they can’t say they were not aware of the rules or that inspections were occuring.  We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Attention all residents Swedesboro will be starting a random check on recycling carts as of Thursday, September 17, 2020.

The Borough staff will be checking your carts at the curb, this is to help bring awareness to the residents about proper recycling.

The additional fees being charged to the Borough of Swedesboro by our recycling vendor, for rejected loads of recyclables that have improper items in it (such as PLASTIC BAGS and other non-recyclable items) is costing the Borough way too much money.

We have sent the new recycling rules out to our residents on several times to bring awareness of the new rules.

  • July 2019 – Annual mailing was important information on what is allowed and not allowed to be places in your recycle cart.
  • October 2019 – Stickers were placed on your recycling carts stating the same information.
  • July 2020 – Annual mailing again was important information on how to recycle properly.

Because the Borough of Swedesboro’s recycling loads are continuing to be rejected, we are taking this next step to hopefully get everyone on board with the new rules of recycling.

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